Indies is going to adopt schools

Teaching is always a favorite thing to do for me. I believe teaching is not educating others but to spend some time together to share your views, knowledge and joy. Though its very hard for me to spare some time from routine business activities, I love doing it. If they are children of age 5 I feel I am in a blooming garden where their sensible touch and sweet words provide me deep calmness and happiness. If they are college youth I feel myself very dynamic and vibrant and full of energy. If I would not be a businessman I would be a teacher or professor.

Now I am going to adopt schools. This will happen under the banner of Indies Service (my Professional company) and Prashant Mamtora Foundation (Not for profit organization) I have been applied to Bhavnagar Municipal Corporation for same and the application is under consideration and at final stage. I have visited many schools before few days and finalized for 4 of them.

My plan is to apply some practical changes in the education process. I don’t want every of them to become a doctor or engineer. Whether they become plumber or electrician, carpenter or street hawker, they should be responsible person and citizen. They do good whatever they do.

Your views, ideas, and help (hey not financial) are most welcome for this.

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