A new challenge for buyers and e-commerce companies in market place model

Indian ecommerce is booming and growing leaps and bounds every day.
Smaller players are coming out every day and selling niche products. Yet market is not very mature for specialized products stores like western countries. e-commerce is dominated by 2-3 large players only and they are now adopting marketplace model.
As ecommerce companies like FlipKart, Amazon and Snapdeal is changing their model to Marketplace, it is rising a new challenge both for companies and users. People experience different prices of the products on search result and on product page it self.
Flipkart and Amazon
This is being experienced because of different algorithm implemented to fetch e best price for the product. When buyers observe this specially on FlipKart it seems like they are putting all responsibility on seller and buyer only. This approach to marketplace model may hurt the business as buyer has an additional responsibility to check seller’s credibility as well and not only of product quality. Earlier we were all set to buy a product on the name of ecommerece site it self but that is no more a fact. You will have to settle for lower price against a seller who you don’t know how exactly is. E-commerce companies need to find a way to help buyers making buying decisions easier and faster.

As per the screenshots Amazon algorithm is a bit better and they also mention range or start point of price from various sellers. “Amazon fulfilled” is also very important sign for buyers

Here now the comment section is open for discussion about Pros and cons of Marketplace model. Happy Discussion!

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